Friday, April 10, 2015

Isla - 3 months

Little Miss is 3 months today! I cannot believe how fast time goes once you have a baby. We just think she is the most perfect baby that has ever been and still feel so lucky everyday that we have her. 

Our pediatrician doesn't do a 3 month well visit, so I have no stats to post this month.

Month three happenings...
Isla has become one of the most smiley babies I have ever seen
She has discovered her hands and is always chewing on them
She has started to prefer sitting up (held) over being cradled
She has started sitting in her Bumbo chair
Isla has begun to pick up toys and tries to eat them
She is becoming much better with tummy time
And best of all, she has fallen in love with her Daddy! (it is so cute to see them together)

1 comment:

  1. She is certainly ridiculously adorable! Good work! ❤️❤️❤️
