Friday, April 10, 2015

Isla - 3 months

Little Miss is 3 months today! I cannot believe how fast time goes once you have a baby. We just think she is the most perfect baby that has ever been and still feel so lucky everyday that we have her. 

Our pediatrician doesn't do a 3 month well visit, so I have no stats to post this month.

Month three happenings...
Isla has become one of the most smiley babies I have ever seen
She has discovered her hands and is always chewing on them
She has started to prefer sitting up (held) over being cradled
She has started sitting in her Bumbo chair
Isla has begun to pick up toys and tries to eat them
She is becoming much better with tummy time
And best of all, she has fallen in love with her Daddy! (it is so cute to see them together)

1st Easter

The Easter Bunny had so much fun picking stuff out for Isla's first Easter. She has just recently started playing with toys and she still loves being read to, so she got a few new books and some small toys she can grab. Grams (Marshall's mom) bought Isla's the cute little purple dress and we thought it was perfect for her first Easter. 

I thought this last picture was funny because Isla kept slouching while I was trying to take her picture. We love the little personality this baby is getting!

Isla and Her Uncles

This is seriously my favorite picture ever. We took it the weekend of Isla's blessing. I LOVE seeing my baby with all four of my brothers.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Our Happy Baby

This little girl is so happy! She is exactly what I have been waiting for my whole life. This is what she looks like 95% of the time...

Isla's Blessing Day

On March 29th, Marshall blessed Isla in our ward. He did amazing and Isla slept through the whole thing! All four of my brothers and their families were able to come as well as my mom and Marshall's parents. We had a little brunch with everyone at our house after the blessing. It was such a special day and I am so grateful for my little eternal family. 

Hospital Visit

On St. Patrick's Day, Isla went to her doctor for her first set of vaccinations. That evening she had a high fever, so we called the doctors office and they told us to take her into the emergency room at Children's Primary Hospital in Salt Lake. We went up at about 9 pm and ended up staying until 11 pm the next night. After a ton of tests, and a lot of crying (on my part.. haha), it turned out that Isla had a common cold and it was just a coincidence that it happened on the same day that she got her vaccinations. It was such a sad experience for us to put Isla through, but we are so grateful that she was okay. All of the pictures are dark because I took them with my phone, but She still looks adorable.

 They put a little IV in Isla's hand and had to splint her wrist to keep it still. In the rest of the pictures, she has a pink sock over it because she kept trying to rub her face and ended up scratching herself.