Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Family History

I have been feeling a lot of nudges lately to work on my family history. We have heard tons about it in our new ward, I keep seeing stuff online about it and I found a show called "Who Do You Think You Are?" on tv. I am in love with this show!

During my last trip to Vegas, my amazing mom gave me all of the information she has from her own search for family history. So, when I was watching this show last night, I decided to check out, because they always use it on the show. I don't have a membership, but my mom has been on there before, so I signed in with her account. Long story short, she has a cousin that has put a lot of information from my mom's father's side on there, so I thought that was really neat to find. Then, I started searching a little for my dad's side, since no work has been done for that part of my family. I only found a few names, but I found out a few really cool things. 

First... My middle name is Emily, after my grandmother, Emily Frances Daniel. Turns out that she was also named after her grandmother, Emily Alice Goetz, and her father actually came to the US from Germany.  We had no idea there was German in our family history.

Second... I think we have ancestors from many more countries than we have always thought. There are a ton from England, but we also have quite a bit from Scotland, Ireland, France and Germany.

Third... When I put all of the names I found into the church website, New.FamilySearch.Org, our line connected to another line which has a whole bunch of Knights, Dukes, and Kings. My brother, Adam and I thought this was amazing. We have kings from a ton of different countries, including England, France, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey and King of Trojans (whatever that is). Adam kept following one of the lines back and it ended up going all the way to Adam and Eve!! Don't believe it? Here's proof...

I was so surprised when Adam called and told me he had gone that far back. I don't know if it is all correct, but I think it is amazing that we have the resources now to do something like this. I am definitely becoming more and more hooked on family history!

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