Thursday, September 10, 2015

Isla is 8 Months Old!

Little Miss turned 8 months old today. I cannot believe how fast it has gone! Up until now, none of the "month birthdays" have bothered me, but for some reason, 8 months is making me sad. I absolutely love having Isla and I love that every day brings new discoveries and milestones, but it hit me the other day that in only a few short months, Isla will turn 1. Where did my newborn go?? It  seems like everyday Isla is starting to do something new. It is crazy and amazing and beautiful how fast this little munchkin learns. And she is the happiest baby! Marshall and I are in constant awe of how lucky we are to have her. 

Month 8 Happenings...
Isla is sitting up like a rockstar. She is also starting to try to pull herself up on things. 
She has (just this week) figured out how to army crawl. Up until now, she has always rolled to get around. 
Her bottom 2 teeth are most of the way in, and I love her little chipmunk smile.
She has started eating puffs and baby mum-mums. She is very demanding that we feed her quickly when giving her baby food. 
She has another ear infection. Sad. 
She has finally started giving her Daddy kisses... it is so cute!!! 
Isla is an incredibly active baby. She is not into cuddling and hardly ever sits still. She always wants to be on the move, figuring stuff out.

I forgot to take pictures of Isla earlier in the day, so all of these pictures are from right at bedtime. When Isla gets tired she gets even more hyper, so taking pictures at bedtime was quite the adventure. She was trying to get the camera, me, and daddy. Then took her bow off and tried to eat it. We still got some cute ones though.

7 Months Old in DC

Isla turned 7 months old on August 10th. We were on our trip back to Maryland. We went to lunch with some of Marshall's good friends in Leesburg Virginia, then checked into our hotel in dowtown DC. We spent the afternoon in museums, so I didn't take her pictures until that night at the hotel. The lighting was terrible for baby pictures, but luckily, Isla is so adorable it doesn't matter. 

Isla started sitting up right before we left on vacation, at the end of July. She also had her first two teeth cut through that same weekend. We loved showing her off to all of our friends and family back in Maryland. And she has been the best little traveler this whole summer! 

Our Little 6 Month Old

We have had the busiest summer ever, so I am a little behind on the blog... I am going to attempt to catch up with everything. 

On July 10, Isla turned 6 months old. The paper that has all of her stats on it from her 6 month well visit (with the pediatrician) is in her room, where she is currently sleeping, so I will try to update this blog post later. For now, here are some adorable pictures to enjoy...
I LOVE this last picture. I might be a little biased, but sometimes I just can't get over how beautiful my baby is!